Sunday, September 19, 2010

Spatial Feasibility Studies: Comparison of Jakarta & Rotterdam [Paper Work for Master Course, 2007]

This paper work is an assignment submitted for the Master study course Feasibility Studies
of the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). The writing here is showed in poster format. 


Research so far has shown that a well inter-connected urban grid creates vital urban areas with successful economic and social activities (Hillier 1996, Hillier 1999, Read and van Nes 2003). Thus, spatial feasibility is then understood in terms of the spatial configuration of urban networks. Urban space can be approached topologically as well as geometrically. As will be argued subsequently economic and social issues favor a topological approach.

The cities that we analyzed are two different cities that have different location and culture. However, historically both Jakarta and Rotterdam have a history in trade. Both cities started with the Dutch tradition of settlements, one as the capital of a colony and the other as a little trade village. Both cities were also designed by Dutch urban planner in the beginning of their development. The old city area, called Kota (formerly known as Batavia), in Jakarta was designed by Jan Pieterzoon Coen in May 30th, 1619.

If we compare these both cities, Jakarta still has its original city centre, but Rotterdam has lost hers in the Second World War. A point of interest is what differences there are between them, and if the planning authorities used the opportunity in Rotterdam to really connect the city centre to the national network of highways, in comparison to Jakarta which had to adjust their network to the old city.

In the next sub-chapter we compared these both cities according to the questions in the assignment. We state here that we analyzed these both cities from the citizen of the city point of view not from the tourist point of view, so that we know quite enough about our own city.

[click to enlarge the images below to see clearly]

Delft, January 2007
Sigit Kusumawijaya

Spatial Feasibility Studies: Comparison of Jakarta & Rotterdam
Writer: Sigit Kusumawijaya
Supervisor: Dr. Ir. Paul Stouten eds.
Status: assignment submitted for the Master study course Feasibility Studies of the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
Year: 2007

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Visi & Misi Pemilihan Ketua PPI Delft Periode 2007-2008 Sigit Kusumawijaya

This writing is Sigit Kusumawijaya's Vision and Mission for the Campaign for the Election of President of Indonesian Student Association (Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia - PPI) in Delft for period of 2007-2008.


Assalamu Alaikum Wr.Wb.
Salam sejahtera,

Teman-teman yang baik,
Setelah mengalami proses yang cukup panjang untuk membangun kembali Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia untuk kota Delft, puji syukur kepada Allah akhirnya kita sampai pada tahap Pemilu. Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada teman-teman semua baik panitia persiapan Pemilu maupun teman-teman lainnya yang telah bekerja keras untuk bersama-sama membangun kembali PPI Delft. Semoga ke depannya dengan hasil ketua yang terpilih dan teman-teman yang duduk sebagai pengurus dan teman-teman lainnya dapat bekerja bersama-sama demi suksesnya kepengurusan PPI Delft yang baru nanti.

Merunut kembali latar belakang rencana pembentukan PPI Delft ini, mayoritas teman-teman di Delft mendukung terbentuknya PPI Delft kembali. Dengan berbagai karakter pelajar Indonesia di Delft yang pluralistik menjadi sebuah tantangan juga kesempatan untuk membentuk jaringan yang kuat dan luas. Pelajar Indonesia di Delft berkisar 100-an yang merupakan pelajar dari TU Delft, IHE dan Inholland baik untuk program Bachelor, Master maupun Phd. Pluralistik yang lain adalah agama, suku, tempat tinggal maupun minat yang berbeda-beda sehingga membentuk kelompok-kelompok kecil. Di atas itu semua salah satu kesibukan yang utama dalam kehidupan pelajar Indonesia di Delft adalah pekerjaan dan tugas yang menyita banyak waktu. Kurangnya sebuah link penghubung antar kelompok-kelompok kecil inilah yang menjadi hambatan sekaligus oportuniti untuk membangun sebuah “jembatan” dengan bentuk PPI Delft.

Dengan latar belakang tersebut ijinkan saya menyampaikan visi untuk PPI Delft mendatang sebagai wadah atau medium untuk sarana komunikasi, informasi, jaringan dan pelayanan antar pelajar maupun alumni pelajar di Delft secara internal dan juga secara eksternal ke berbagai instansi terkait seperti TU Delft, IHE, Inholland, KBRI, PPI kota lain, NEC, Duwo, perusahaan-perusahaan yang berkepentingan dan lain sebagainya. Tujuan untuk visi ini adalah mempererat tali persaudaraan dan silaturahmi antar anggota maupun elemen-elemen lainnya di dalam kota Delft. Dengan adanya hubungan eksternal tadi juga akan meletakkan kembali PPI Delft dalam skala lokal, regional maupun internasional.

Dengan wadah ini, PPI Delft akan menjadikan pelajar dan kebutuhan pelajar itu sendiri sebagai faktor terpenting dan bukan kehidupan organisasinya itu sendiri sehingga pelajar dapat melihat dan merasakan manfaat dari PPI.

Untuk mewujudkan visi di atas maka dibutuhkan misi-misi yang berkesinambungan. Mengingat PPI ini adalah PPI yang terlahir kembali setelah masa kevakuman sebelumnya, maka misi yang akan dicapai juga tidak terlalu muluk-muluk. Penguatan hubungan internal antara pelajar di Delft dan mengusahakan kesejahteraan anggota adalah yang terpenting. Baru setelah itu hubungan lebih diperluas secara eksternal. Dengan membangun pondasi kembali PPI Delft yang baru ini akan menjadi acuan bagi pengurus PPI Delft tahun berikutnya untuk dapat lebih baik lagi.

Misi kerja PPI Delft nantinya serius namun tetap santai dengan tidak membebani pengurus dan anggota di tengah-tengah kesibukan tugas dan pekerjaan yang lebih penting. Kesadaran berorganisasi juga merupakan salah satu misi yang diemban dengan tidak membuat PPI itu sendiri sebagai sesuatu yang eksklusif. Pemanfaatan potensi yang dipunyai pelajar di Delft (ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi) juga menjadi faktor untuk diperhatikan. Rencana kegiatan pun disesuaikan dengan segmen-segmen pelajar di Delft sehingga manfaatnya lebih terasa.

Rencana Program Kerja:

  • Pengintensifan kegiatan-kegiatan kebersamaan seperti: Olah Raga (Sepakbola, Bulutangkis, Tenis Meja, Billiard, Fitness), kegiatan ibadah (Sholat Jumat, Pengajian, kebaktian Gereja, buka puasa bersama, dll), belanja, masak dan makan-makan bersama, plesiran atau jalan-jalan (ekskursi) bersama ke kota lain di dalam atau luar Belanda.
  • Pembuatan Web official untuk PPI Delft sebagai one-stop information yang akan dapat menciptakan forum baru sesuai minat dan bidang masing-masing serta memperkuat network internal (pelajar-pelajar TU Delft, IHE, Inholland, warga Indonesia di Delft) dan eksternal (PPI kota lain, instansi-instansi yang terkait seperti KBRI, TU Delft, IHE, Inholland, NEC, Duwo, perusahaan-perusahaan yang berkepentingan, dll.)
  • Pendataan anggota PPI Delft, pelajar Indonesia di Delft, civitas akademisi lainnya (Pengajar dan Alumni) untuk memperluas jaringan dan kesempatan kerja.
  • Pengumpulan beberapa karya ilmiah baik tugas paper, soal ujian tahun-tahun sebelumnya ataupun Skripsi, Thesis, Disertasi atau karya lainnya ke dalam web yang dapat membantu teman-teman lain yang membutuhkan dengan tetap menjaga copyright masing-masing karya (misalnya hanya abstraksi dari karya tersebut yang diupload, sisanya bisa menghubungi yang berkepentingan).
  • Kegiatan kemanusiaan seperti program adik asuh untuk adik-adik kita di Indonesia yang membutuhkan bantuan baik material maupun non-material melalui penggalangan dana.
  • Seminar dan diskusi dengan mendatangkan pakar-pakar Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi yang disesuaikan dengan segmen pelajar Indonesia di Delft.
  • Penampungan dan pengkoordinasian barang-barang warisan dari teman-teman yang sudah lebih lama tinggal di Delft yang akan pulang ke Indonesia atau sekedar ingin pindah tempat tinggal kepada anak baru (atau anak lama yang membutuhkan).
Demikian Visi Misi yang dapat saya sampaikan demi terwujudnya PPI Delft baru yang lebih baik. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya dan mohon maaf bila ada salah kata.

Wassalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.

Sigit Kusumawijaya

Notes: Unfortunately Sigit Kusumawijaya was lost for the election from his opponent, Anggara Rhabenta. Sigit later became a Vice President of Indonesian Student Association (Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia - PPI) in Delft for 2007-2008 Period

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sun Wind Water Earth Life Living: Legends for Design [Project for Master Course, 2007]

This project is an assignment submitted for the Master study course
Territory (Grondgebied) [: Sun wind water earth life living; legends for design] of the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). The writing here is not the full version of the assignment, only  Summary of All Chapters are showed

The project has been published on the website: The tasks stand in the Pages sidebar menu, arranged per course category. The title of this website site has been borrowed from the publication “Sun wind water Earth life and living; legends for design” of T.M. de Jong, M.J. de Moens, C. van den Akker and C.M. Steenbergen.

For further information of the course and the Technical Ecology and Methods (TEAM) board you can access on this link:



Projects for Assignment

The projects submitted for the course assignment are projects that have been done while working in two different architecture companies.

Malaysia Design Technology Center (MDTC), Malaysia
Malaysia Design Technology Center or MDTC is the project for my Internship Work for T.R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia that leaded by Ken Yeang and T. R. Hamzah in 2003.

front-facade-realization.jpg mdtc-plaza-rendered-_02.jpg mit-forecourt-realization.jpg

MDTC is Malaysia’s national design and technology hub, and comprises of the International Design Museum and exhibition spaces, professional design offices, and the HQ for the ‘Limkokwing Institute of Creative Technology’ campus. The prominent hill-top location above the new technology town of Cyberjaya reflects MDTC’s status for innovative technologies and creative design.

for more detail click here

Anto Residence, Jakarta, Indonesia
The second project is a residential project located in the East part of Jakarta, Indonesia. Anto Residence designed by Andra Matin Architect, Jakarta, was finished by 2005.

front-facade-_01.jpg central-void-_01.jpg dining-room-_02.jpg master-bedroom-_02.jpg stair-detail-_01.jpg

This house concept is a “Warehouse”. The clients wanted their house look like a factory or a warehouse. As a project architect of this project, I translated their will by using materials that represent Industrial type of building like rust iron for the facade, smooth cement for floor, exposed steel frame plafond, and other natural look like materials.

for more detail click here

These two projects will be analysed by every category of the course (eg. sun, water, wind, traffic, noise, environment, soil & plantation). The elements of ecology that are analyzed:
Please click on each of the ecological elements.

Actual Works


The Landport region is an area in centre of the Netherlands. It consists of three completely different parts, two on the old land and one on the new made polder. Especially the last part of the region is in need of boosting. Randstad in Europe will be strengthened, influencing the whole economical situation in the Netherlands in a positive way.


The perspective is called ‘Powered by Landport’, implying the boost that Landport gives to the Randstad and the boost that is given to Landport in the perspective. The boosting is very much relaying on the improvement of the connectivity within and outside the region and on different scales. Half of the strategic projects are in fact infrastructure projects. In the same time current green is also taken up in the perspective. The water defence line will be protected and where possible be exploited more.


The limits of the growth of Almere are also already set in the perspective. A great green strip will functions as a boundary as well as a recreational strip for the people who will live there. Coming to the last point of the perspective which is housing. New houses will be needed and realised southeast of the current city.
And finally, some small housing extensions are planned north and west of Amersfoort Project. The perspective leads up to 8 different strategic projects.
  • Aa connection
  • HSL North
  • Airport
  • Light rail
  • Landmark
  • University
  • Green Strip
  • Water Defence Line

The elements of ecology that are analyzed:
Please click on each of the ecological elements.

Ideas for the Future

This part focuses on Ideas for the Future that relate to Architecture, Urbanism and Ecology that use issue of Sustainability.
Sustainable Architecture, also known as “Green Architecture” or “Green Building,” is an approach to architectural design that emphasizes the place of buildings within both local ecosystems and the global environment. Sustainable architecture, framed by the larger discussion of Sustainability having to do with the pressing economic and political issues of our world, seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by enhancing efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space.

The elements of ecology that are analyzed:
Please click on each of the ecological elements.

Other Actual Projects for Reference Ideas

This part contains some actual architecture works that could be a good example for sustainable design and ideas for the future as well:
Please click on each of the actual works options above.

Delft, January 2007
Sigit Kusumawijaya

Sun Wind Water Earth Life Living: Legends for Design
Writer: Sigit Kusumawijaya
Supervisor: Prof. T.M. De Jong.
Status: assignment submitted for the Master study course Territory (Grondgebied) [: Sun wind water earth life living; legends for design] of the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
Year: 2007