This project is one of the issues from the videography project: Where R Ur Empathies, Jakartans? “urban distortion phenomenon of Jakarta in design perspective” [:campaign project] -- an initiative urban campaign project to critize the urban phenomenon of Jakarta. With his colleague, Priyanto under the team called urbVIZ [:studio] or Urban Visualization Studio, Sigit tried to expose some issues and want to stress on some problem in Jakarta as one of megapolitan cities in the world.
re-PUZZLING Bus Shelter
[issue #03]
[scroll down for English version]
[Bahasa Indonesia]
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Isu ini ingin mengangkat fenomena banyaknya halte bus yang tidak sesuai dengan konteks lingkungannya. Halte-halte bus didesain sedemikian serupa harus disesuaikan dengan konteks lingkungannya. Di Jakarta, halte-halte bus pada daerah Business District seperti di area Sudirman-Thamrin sudah tepat dalam hal desainnya yang sesuai konteks lingkungannya. Halte-halte lain di daerah sekeliling monas juga sudah didesain sesuai konteks lingkungannya. Namun masih banyak halte-halte yang didesain dan diletakkan tidak sesuai konteks lingkungannya. Bahkan cenderung halte bus tersebut banyak yang sudah tidak berfungsi dan rusak sehingga banyak penumpang bus yang tidak memakai halte tersebut dengan semestinya yang mengakibatkan bus atau angkutan umum lain berhenti sembarangan karena penumpangnya tidak merasa nyaman menunggu di halte tersebut. Permasalahan ini coba ditangkap dan dianalisis untuk dicarikan penyelesaian-penyelesaian yang sederhana dan bersifat menggugah dan menyentil.
This issue want to raise phenomenon of many bus stop that not suitable with the context of its environment. Bus stops is designed to match with its context. At Jakarta, bus stops on the Business District area like Sudirman-Thamrin corridor have already matched with its environment context in term of its design and function. It also happens in the area of National Monument (Monas). However there are still many bus stops designed not suitable with the context. Indeed those bus stops are already broken so that passengers do not use it properly that result in bus or other public transportation stop in the proper place. Those passengers do not want to wait at those bus stops because of uncomfortable reason.
since Warner Music Group blocked the video I put in youtube link: you can watch video below
another link in Sigit Kusumawijaya Multilpy site:
[captured video]:
This project has been presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22 on 24 Februari 2006. The documentations can be found in this link:
Work Description:
Title: re-PUZZLING Bus Shelter
Director: Sigit Kusumawijaya
Editing: Sigit Kusumawijaya
Duration: 5'40''
* Entry for OK Video 2006, International Video Competition held by Ruang Rupa, Jakarta
* Presented and exhibited on Open House Arsitektur UI, Januari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22, 24 Februari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Forum of Indonesian Young Architect (Forum Arsitek Muda Indonesia/AMI), Jakarta
* Published on OUTMAGZ Magazine vol.13//April 2006//COLOR on page 58-61
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