This project is one of the issues from the videography project: Where R Ur Empathies, Jakartans? “urban distortion phenomenon of Jakarta in design perspective” [:campaign project] -- an initiative urban campaign project to critize the urban phenomenon of Jakarta. With his colleague, Priyanto under the team called urbVIZ [:studio] or Urban Visualization Studio, Sigit tried to expose some issues and want to stress on some problem in Jakarta as one of megapolitan cities in the world.
Pedestrian, abc & (dis)Comforts
[issue #02]
[scroll down for English version]
[Bahasa Indonesia]
Latar Belakang
Walking. There is a big question in the head of filmaker, why Jakarta society is quite lazy to walk, whereas there is a pedestrian path. The answer could be variable. Because of hot (indeed, Jakarta is very hot), or dust from the city bus which like a machine gun, or there is gangster that ready to rob with their weapons, or because of not convenient with the condition, or even prestige to ride a vehicle. Apparently after we try to look further, the possibility is not only those reasons. We often watch on the television or wester film, how all the pedestrian is very convenient to walk alone in the middle of the city even in the midnight. In fact the conditon of pedestrian path in Jakarta is very chronic. A pedestrian is not given a space to walk, even without “comfort” term. We can admit that not all of the pedestrian path in Jakarta have been ripped by the street felon, but there is also some effort from the municipality to solve these problems.
youtube link:
another link in Sigit Kusumawijaya Multilpy site:
[captured video]:
This project has been presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22 on 24 Februari 2006. The documentations can be found in this link:
Work Description:
Title: Pedestrian, abc & (dis)Comforts
Director: Priyanto
Editing: Priyanto
Duration: 6'29''
* Entry for OK Video 2006, International Video Competition held by Ruang Rupa, Jakarta
* Presented and exhibited on Open House Arsitektur UI, Januari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22, 24 Februari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Forum of Indonesian Young Architect (Forum Arsitek Muda Indonesia/AMI), Jakarta
* Published on OUTMAGZ Magazine vol.13//April 2006//COLOR on page 58-61