These are several responses from the public about their feeling, hope, critic and aspiration about their beloved city, Jakarta, and also comments for the videography project: Where R Ur Empathies, Jakartans? “urban distortion phenomenon of Jakarta in design perspective” [:campaign project] -- an initiative urban campaign project to critize the urban phenomenon of Jakarta. With his colleague, Priyanto under the team called urbVIZ [:studio] or Urban Visualization Studio, Sigit tried to expose some issues and want to stress on some problem in Jakarta as one of megapolitan cities in the world.
Public Response
This campaign project has been exhibited and presented in several places such as Open House Arsitektur UI 2006, Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22, 2006, and Forum of Indonesian Young Architect (Forum Arsitek Muda Indonesia/AMI). Many comments, critics and aspirations are given to this project. Public was really enthusiastic about the idea to make their beloved city, Jakarta be more comfortable to live humanly. Some of them are optimistic that we as the inhabitant can make a change. The other are still very pessimist. However the responses were great. It can be seen that there is still a hope and enthusiasm from people to make this greatest city of Indonesia become more livable.
While the exhibition and presentation were held, the audience was given the paper to share their opinion about their beloved city freely. Many thought, idea, comment, feel, aspiration, critic and other else were written by them. Some of the opinions are showed in the poster below.

However change needs time. There are other initiative urban projects like this already exist either by architects, urban designers, artists, NGO's, musicians, and many other components which also have same purpose to make Jakarta more liveable. With those colorful of ideas we can still see many enthusiasm by the public. There is still a hope and we can do our best for our better city.
another link in Sigit Kusumawijaya Multilpy site:
JKT urban-cinematography [:project] >>>10 Public Responses of the Project:
JKT urban-cinematography [:project] >>>10 Public Responses of the Project:
This project has been presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22 on 24 Februari 2006. The documentations can be found in this link:
Work Description:
Title: videography project: Where R Ur Empathies, Jakartans?
Team: Sigit Kusumawijaya & Priyanto
Year: 2006
* Entry for OK Video 2006, International Video Competition held by Ruang Rupa, Jakarta
* Presented and exhibited on Open House Arsitektur UI, Januari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22, 24 Februari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Forum of Indonesian Young Architect (Forum Arsitek Muda Indonesia/AMI), Jakarta
* Published on OUTMAGZ Magazine vol.13//April 2006//COLOR on page 58-61
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